Friday, January 10, 2014

Texas 2014

Here is a photo summary of our trip to Texas.

Patrick and his mom, Eddi.
I am obsessed with all the beautiful murals they have in Texas!  It seemed that each little town we drove through had at least one.  I wanted to stop and take photos of them all!
In case my shirt isn't enough of a clue, I am partial to bright colors.  It was fun to wander through the town checking out all the art galleries and cute stores.  There were so many pieces of art I wish I could have purchased and taken home with me.
Mandi and Patrick in 80 years or so.
We had a tasty New Year's Eve luncheon at Reata.  

We exchanged gifts with Patrick's family during our stay.  We were given tennis rackets. (Thank you!) I am glad we didn't take any action shots because I need lots of practice first!
My favorite activity during our time in Alpine was a morning hike. It was hard believe it was January because we were outside in only t-shirts and jackets.  Our trip definitely was a nice break from the snow.

Patrick's dad is the women's basketball coach at Sul Ross. We were able to catch a game. Twinner t-shirts!
Another nice mom and son photo.

I don't have photo documentation, but two of the biggest highlights from the trip were
*Meeting Patrick's good friend Rudy (heard some funny stories!)
*Watching videotapes of Patrick playing peewee soccer and performing in high school plays.
(I would have been crushin' on Patrick even back then. Sooo cute!)

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