Friday, January 3, 2014

Sibling Sushi Date

Garrett is quite the cook.
For Christmas, Patrick and I gave him a sushi making kit.
It had a book with recipes, an instructional DVD, a rolling mat, a rice spoon, and chopsticks.
For some extra inspiration to get him started, I took him to lunch at Osaka Sushi in Tooele. 
It was my first time eating there and I was impressed.  The sushi was great but so were the prices.
I am already making plans to go with my mom next time I am out in Erda for a visit.

So ready to eat.
Austin looking overwhelmed by the amount of sushi we order. All rolls were 50% off.
We couldn't help ourselves!
The Caterpillar Roll (top left) was my favorite of the day!
Can't wait to see what awesome sushi Garrett whips up! 

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