Friday, December 27, 2013

Jensen Family Christmas

Patrick and I spent Christmas Eve and day with my family in Erda.  Here are some of the highlights:
Christmas Eve we opened the gifts that my family gave to each other. My parents bought Patrick the game Mouse Trap. He has been wanting to add it to our game collection for awhile.
My super cute nephew provided constant entertainment.
Mom looooves being a grandma! The nieces and nephews call her Nana Banana.
We always have a family white elephant gift exchange. Aubrey made ornaments from a Justin Bieber calender she was given as a joke last year. We all got a good laugh from them.
Christmas morning we used FaceTime to watch my brother Andrew's family opening their gifts from my mom and dad.  We wish we could have all been in Montana celebrating the holidays with them but we are so grateful for how technology allows us to stay in touch!
(You can see Sterling on the iPad checking out his new game!)
More FaceTime.
It isn't a true Christmas celebration without some delicious food.
We had our first Annual Jensen Family Ping Pong Tournament.
Austin and Jay made it to the final round.
Austin won the highly coveted trophy. We are all determined to brush up our skills before next year's tournament!
We also played one our of favorite childhood games, Don't Eat Pete. It is fun to introduce Patrick to family traditions.
I am so grateful that my family gets along so well.  There is nothing better than just sitting around and visiting.
Garrett wanted a photo taken of him and his cat, Ziggy. We were going for the awkward pet and owner photos that you see on Facebook.  Liking G's new haircut!
It took us a couple of tries, but we managed to get a photo of everyone together.  Love these people so much!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

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