Thursday, December 26, 2013

Our Little Home: Christmas Style

Last year was our first Christmas.  We only had a few decorations and a small cubby space in which to put them.  We are slowing building our collection. This year, we were able to fill most of our living room!  My mom recently sorted through her own collection of decorations and gave me and each of my siblings some of our favorites.  This definitely helped us to fill our space.

I was happy that I was given the sock reindeer that my mom made once upon a time.  As a little kid, I especially liked the reindeer's false eyelashes! 

We have upgraded from a Christmas cubby to a Christmas corner!

Each year we plan to add a frame ornament to our tree. This is ours for 2013.

 A bookshelf is the next best thing for hanging stocking when you don't have a fireplace. (PS I didn't want to get a close-up photo because I had a rough time keeping our Poinsettia alive.  She barely made it to Christmas. Hoping for better luck next year!)

 When we were talking about our favorite Christmas memories, Patrick mentioned how much he loved his family's advent calender. It had a little mouse that you moved from day to day.  We were so excited when we found this calender at Target. However, shortly after bringing it home we realized "10" was on it twice. We went to return it but they were all out of new ones.  Well, we decided to keep it anyway. We like our advent calender all the more with its little flaw!

 It was fun to find places to add in a touch of Christmas color.

 I'm not sure how it started, but I got on this wrapping kick where I only wanted to use brown paper grocery bags to wrap gifts.  I love the look and I feel like I'm reusing and recycling at the same time. A win win!

Patrick and I opened to our gifts to each other on Christmas Eve before heading to my parents.  I got a ukulele! I used to have a very, very cheap ukulele but it wouldn't stayed in tune long enough to play a song. Patrick, thank you for a new one. I will learn and play a cheesy love song for you soon!

If you would like to read "Our Little Home: Before," click HERE.
See last year's Christmas Cubby HERE.

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