Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Our Little Home: Before

I wanted to post some photos of our apartment all decorated for Christmas.  However, I thought it would be a good idea to put up some "before" photos first since so many of our out-of-town family members and friends haven't seen our place yet.  Since we only have enough holiday decorations to fill the living room, I am only posting photos of that room today.  I will show off the rest of our home later.

This is the view as you walk in through the front door.  The next two photos show the living room as you turn in a clockwise circle.

Noni (Patrick's grandma, Karen) has large bulletin boards in her office that are completely covered in photos.  Even though I don't know who half the people are, I always love looking at them.  They inspired me to buy bulletin boards of my own.  We are slowly filling them up!

We have used some of our wedding reception decorations in our living room.  I attached some ribbon to the "M" so I could hang it on the wall.  I made a shadowbox that has our bookmark announcements, cake toppers, miniature versions of our banners, and some flowers from my bouquet.  It is such a nice way to display some of the little treasures from our wedding.

Okay, Christmas photos up next!

1 comment:

  1. I love the shadow box with your wedding decorations. What a fun idea. Merry Christmas! Hope you two have a wonderful day :)
