Thursday, December 19, 2013


There is always so much to do during the holidays.  I know that when I am too busy, it takes away from the true reason we are celebrating.  I am trying to prioritize what we do and focus on during Christmas.  Here are some recent happenings...


A group from church got together to visit This Is The Place Heritage Park's Candlelight Christmas event.  It was a cold and snowy and perfectly Christmas-y night!  Because I am in the Primary, I haven't had many opportunities to get to know people over the age of 11 in our ward.  I was so happy to be able to make some new friends.  That was the best part of the evening.  Meeting Father Christmas and having our photo taken with him was a close second!


Allison and Mandi (aka Pudge and Grizzila)
Beautiful and talented Angie and her darling girls.
Many families see "The Nutcracker Ballet" or "A Christmas Carol" as a yearly holiday tradition.  My Christmas show of choice is the Utah Children's Theatre's production of "Babes in Toyland."  It is so fun and bright!  I have either been involved with or seen the production the past 5 years and I highly recommend it for all!  It was great to meet up with my "sister" Allison to go to the show together. (We played the step-sisters in "Cinderella." Click here to see my transform into an ugly step-sister!)


Okay, so basketball isn't a holiday only event but we recently went to a game so I am including it in this post.  (The Jazz Dancers wore red and green outfits so there was a hint of Christmas there!)  It was my first time to watch a game with the new Jumbotron screens.  I was so excited when my boss from Dancing Moose and her cute son were featured on the screens during the shake-your-keys bit.  They were even the winners!

Christmas is less than a week away... I think we still have time for a few more holiday outings! :)

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