Sunday, December 8, 2013

Olympic Hopefuls?

When I first started dating Patrick I really wanted him to hold my hand.  I always made sure it was readily available in case he was brave enough to.  Luckily it didn't take him too long to catch on! However, I did have a back-up plan just in case... I'd take him ice skating!  I don't think it is possible to go skating and not hold hands, especially if you are a terrible skater because then your date has to be nice and help you make your way around the rink. We didn't ever end up ice skating while we were in our boyfriend/girlfriend phase so we thought it would be a nice winter activity for a married couple date night. 

Patrick started out a little shaky, but after a quick tightening of his laces he was looking like a competitive speed skater.  We raced a couple of times against each other and he always won. (I'm sure if we had raced during our dating days he would have gone easy on me and he would have let me win at least once. Marriage changes things. Ha.)
Starting pose for my short routine.  I may not be faster than Patrick but I think it's safe to say I am more graceful!
I love that we both have the exact same expression on our faces while gliding on one foot.

I think with a little practice we could be quite good. Keep a lookout for us at the 2014 Winter Olympics!

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