Sunday, November 10, 2013

Newlyweds No More!

Last Sunday, Patrick and I celebrated our first anniversary!  I've never had a year go by so quickly.  I guess time really does flies when you're having fun!

We were curious to find out when you are no longer considered a newlywed.  After consulting Google, we concluded the title drops after your first year of marriage.  Truth be told, I am kind of sad to not be considered a newlywed anymore.  People get so excited to hear you were recently married and I love, love to talk about Patrick and my life with him.  Hopefully our adventures as a not new, but not old married couple will be just as interesting!

Patrick's anniversary gift to me was a video he put together with the help of his cousin, Jordan.  Click here to watch!


  1. Mandi! I love and miss you so much! I am so glad your blog info was on Facebook so I could catch up on your life. I am so glad that life is treating you so well and I love, love, love the new pixie cut! I love that you are so daring :)

  2. Thank you Chelsea for your sweet comment. I miss you, too! I love seeing photos of you and your cute baby boy. I bet you are such a fun and wonderful mom! Have you been able to get in any performing lately? Love you!
