Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!  Here's what we got up to...

We carved pumpkins on Sunday.  I should have taken photos right away.  Our pumpkins started to go bad very quickly. It's an owl.  Yes, I still am into the whole owl thing.

Patrick's pumpkin.  It looks really neat lit up with a candle but it was hard to see the details in a nighttime photo.  He carved the state of Montana (Yay!).  I love his details- a star marking St.Ignatius, the rising sun, the mountain range, and a M for Montana or Marks (or maybe, the Marks move to Montana? Maybe one day!).

I love Pippi Longstockings.  I was able to pull together this costume using stuff around our apartment.  I knew my old Ariel wig would come in handy one day!

A close-up so you can see my freckles.  I have plenty of my own, they just aren't as pronounced as they used to be.

I finished this tote bag earlier in the week and was excited to fill it with Halloween candy to pass out. (Did I mention I am still into the whole owl thing?)

My cute musical theatre students came to class dressed in their Halloween costumes.  After wards, they stood in the studio's store front frozen like mannequins.  Main Street was hosting trick or treaters and the kids had fun surprising the people passing by.  They are too fun!


  1. What a cute costume! And your owl pumpkin turned out so cute!

  2. Thank you! I saw your Halloween photos on FB. You always look great. I guess one of the perks of being a teacher is you have a good excuse to dress up. Gotta look good for the Halloween parade!
