Monday, June 17, 2013

First Day at Discover

Since we don't have any kiddos like my many of my friends who always seem to have so much to blog about and because I keep forgetting I started this blog to share all my funny stories while being a princess, Patrick has become the main subject of the "Princess Mandi" blog.  He doesn't seem to mind and I am always very excited to take photos of his handsome face. 

Last Monday as Patrick headed out the door for his first day working at Discover, I ran after him shouting for him to wait because I wanted to take a photo.  (You know, kinda like you'd do when a child is off to their first day of school.)  Well, he was sweet and did wait.  Patrick is good sport when it comes to my camera habits.

This week whenever I had a chance to talk to someone from my family one of the first things everyone asked was how Patrick's new job was going.  Well, since he has to endure 14 (!!!) weeks of training, there wasn't too much to share yet.  Just lots of sitting and listening.  However, Patrick took a funny photo of him during a group activity I thought you'd enjoy.  Meet Zlatko...

Patrick and his group were assigned to come up with a new slogan pertaining to their division at Discover, personal loans.  They put together a "commercial" and Patrick was the star!  What a funny and talented husband I have.  Maybe he is the one who should the professional actor. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Discover.... As in, card?? Is he at the lake park office? I worked there in high school!! Hope the new job goes well :)
