Sunday, February 17, 2013

Game Review: Sleeping Queens

My family loves games.  Growing up, Sunday night usually included at least one game.  Nowadays whenever the family gets together we always try to get one going.  I have been working on getting Patrick hooked on games and I think my plan has succeeded!  The other day he said how much he now enjoys playing games.  We are working on building our collection and wanted to share our latest addition: Sleeping Queens.

Patrick's Grandma, Dyan, introduced us to Sleeping Queens.  A queen is similar to a princess so how could I not love this game?!  In the words of Patrick, "It is simple, yet compelling."

A little girl came up with the game one night when she couldn't sleep.  She told her parents the next morning about her ideas and they thought it sounded like fun and helped to make the game a reality.

I wish you could see the illustrations on the game cards.  They are absolutely wonderful and my favorite part about the game.  If I ever write a children's book I want this artist to help me out!

Well, I think the reason Patrick now likes games is because he always wins!  I am super competitive and do not like losing but I'm trying to be a better sport.

 Look at Patrick basking in the glory of his victory!
If you want to try out the game for yourselves come on over and have a game night with us.  Or, if our review convinced you of the greatness of this game, you can purchase it at your local Deseret Bookstore.

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