Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Last weekend I had four princess events.  That is a record for me!  I loved every minute of it (except for wearing a mermaid costume in a snowstorm but that's not the point).  Princessing is just about my favorite thing ever!  It is hard to make others fully understand how much I love it without them experiencing a party for themselves.  I always wish I could invite people along to my parties!

One of my princess commitments was an appearance as Cinderella at a Daddy/Daughter Ball.  I asked Patrick if he wanted to be my chauffeur and then discretely hang out at the dance and he said yes!  I was so happy that I had the opportunity to share with him just how fun my job is!  I think seeing all those dads and their daughters melted his heart just a bit.  Patrick says if we have a little girl he will definitely take her to a dance.  So sweet!

He's handsome. He's charming. The search for a prince of my own is over!

Patrick has new bragging rights... he can now say he has kissed a princess and a mermaid! ;)


  1. Stop it!! You two are too cute for words!! Love it :)

  2. Oh, thank you! We sure have a fun time together.
