Monday, February 18, 2013

Adventures in Babysitting

Once upon a time,
Patrick & I babysat my boss' two children.
The daughter tripped while running around the apartment,
landed on her face, and got a bloody nose.
She blamed Patrick.
Even though it wasn't his fault,
I thought he might be traumatized from the experience
and never want to babysit again,
or even worse, ever have kids.

*Sigh of relief.*
We still plan to have kids one day.
And Patrick agreed to help me babysit Baby G last Saturday.

These boys are buddies.  They had fun walking around and around our little apartment, blowing bubbles during G's bath time, and playing with my (decorative! eek!) owl.

When bedtime approached,
the fun ended.
We do not have Jay and Aubrey's skillz
and Baby G was not loving us so much.
There were some alligator tears.
We felt so bad for the little guy!
I don't know who was more traumatized,
Patrick or Grant.
We have a much, much deeper respect for
his amazing parents.

*Sigh of relief.*
We still plan to have kids one day (but not too soon).
Patrick and I will still babysit your children,
if you still have confidence in our child-tending abilities
after reading this post!


  1. You guys are troopers! That day was like a weird sleeping day- and guess what? He's still not sleeping like normal! So I'm guessing he is transitioning from 2 naps a day to 1 which causes much chaos even for the mama with the milk -which, might I add, solves everything, pretty much every time- it's not fair to watch a baby and not be able to give him some comfort from the boob;) Anyway you two are fabulous and will make amazing parents! And just wait, you will come to know the magic of the boob- skill has nothing to do with that!

  2. Oh, you make me laugh! I am sorry G still isn't sleeping the best. Hope that changes for you soon!
