Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year, New Hair

I have been itching to cut my hair off for awhile now.
It is so thick and so heavy.
It has to be pulled back at work so it is worn in a bun 90% of the time.
It takes too much time to fix nicely.  I'd rather sleep in a few extra minutes or get in some morning exercise.
I love all the short cuts I've seen on celebrities lately.  I want to be the next Anne Hathaway!
It is long enough to donate.  I'm sure someone else would appreciate it so much more than I currently am.
Patrick says he likes short hair on girls.  Will he like it on this girl?

The "Before" Photo
I wasn't even a bit nervous to chop it off.

Back View
This is my fourth time donating my hair. Every time I've cut if off I've thought it was my last time to have hair this long.  Maybe this time will really be the end to my long-haired days.

Drum roll, please...

The "After" Photo
I LOVE my new hair.  And I don't look like a boy!  I was a little worried that I might...

The first short hair photo with my handsome hubby, who in case you are wondering is wearing my fluffy  pink robe .
 I am so excited to start 2013 off with a brand new look!


  1. Jay said you sent a text saying to check the blog and he's like, "I bet they are announcing they are pregnant! Or going on a cruise!"

    Ha ha!!!

    I LOVE it!!!!! AH!!!!! You are adorable.

  2. I can't wait to see it in person. What does the back look like??? Come down and visit us soon!!!

  3. Oh, thank you! I'm so happy you like it. We are excited to have babies, just not yet! I'm glad that wasn't my big news.
    The back is actually pretty short. We thought we'd try that first because my hair grows so fast. I might mix it up and keep the back a bit longer next time.
    Yes, lets get together soon. We'll look over our schedules and get back to you with some potential dates.
