Saturday, January 26, 2013

Meet The Husband

Back in May I interviewed Patrick for a post which I planned to entitle "Meet the Boyfriend."  I was too busy being in love though to actually write it and before I knew it we were engaged ("Meet the Fiance" didn't happen either), and then married!  I held onto my notes (yes, the interview was that official!) and figured it isn't to late for you to get to know Patrick just a little bit better.

The Husband
Name: Patrick Collin

Place of Birth: Lubbock, Texas

Family: Chris and Eddi (Parents), Aaron (Brother)

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Movie: Kung Pow! Enter the Fist

Favorite Book: Book of Mormon, Hank the Cowdog

Favorite Age & Why: The two years spent on his mission. (He served in the England Birmingham Mission.)

Favorite Food: Crepes! (I think he said this to win points with me since it was the one thing I had cooked for him at the time of the interview. I think his usual answer to favorite food is Monday Macaroni.)

Favorite Candy/Sweet: Sour Patch Kids, Mom's cinnamon rolls

Favorite thing to do in free time: Hang out with family and friends. Mandi time!

Favorite Season: Fall

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Favorite Scripture: Alma 37:37

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? "Paleontologist." 

What is your best characteristic? "My reliability. I'm like a Honda!"

What is your best physical feature? "My ears."

We would you go if you could travel anywhere? "Africa."

Do you have a secret talent? "I can touch my nose with my tongue."

Who is your hero? "My parents because they have sacrificed to put me and Aaron first."

What's your first childhood memory? "Laying on the operating table getting stitches after playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Aaron."

What was your first impression of Mandi? "Who is this angel that has fallen from the sky and what am I doing on a date with her?!"  (I liked that answer.)

What was my first impression of Patrick?  I thought he was so easy to talk to (I don't think I had ever talked that much on a first date before) and he had the best laugh. 

I thought this would be good timing for this post.  I have been down and out with mono and strep throat the past several weeks and Patrick has simply been the best.  He has basically done all the grocery shopping, laundry, and cleaning. He has made numerous trips to the store for frozen yogurt (the only thing that doesn't hurt my throat!), several visits to the library to borrow movies to keep me entertained, and a couple of runs to Zupas because sometimes my body would rather have vegetables than frozen yogurt.  He's gone to Walgreens in search of anything that would help my sore throat. He has  gone to the clinic next door to ask questions.  He has kept me company even I was a teary mess and really no fun to be around.  He has given me several Priesthood blessings.  All this on top of working and going to school full-time!  Patrick is even more kind and patient than I ever thought possible.  I am more and more grateful for him everyday!

Patrick with the goods from last nights Zupas run.
*Being sick has reminded me how many good, good people there are in the world.  My mom calls everyday to check how I'm feeling.  A family from our ward brought over the most delicious soup.  Everyone I've called to sub my Sunbeam class has been so willing.  One of my co-workers has been especially kind in always asking how I am feeling and covering my shifts for me whenever she can.  One of our older volunteer dentists called the other day to make sure I was hanging in there.  Thanks for all the extra love!*

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Too Cold Outside?

Too cold outside?
Have an indoor camp-out!
As one of our very first dates Patrick and I built a tent with sheets and blankets and watched a movie.
It was so fun that of course we wanted to camp-in again but this time with the tent that we received as a wedding gift!

Our apartment is cozy, remember?  I wasn't sure if a four-person tent would fit...
but it did!  (However, it did make getting in and out of the front door difficult).

We gathered up some of our favorite snacks.
(Pita chips and hummus, lime and salt popcorn, blackberries, fruit leathers, jerky, and cheese sticks. Yum!)

We played a couple of new games; Pictureka! and Bananagrams.
(We loved Pictureka! but Bananagrams was a little too much like Scrabble for me.  I'm just not the best at word games and I tend to only like games I am good at).

Here is that handsome husband of mine livin' it up.

The perfect evening staying in. :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year, New Hair

I have been itching to cut my hair off for awhile now.
It is so thick and so heavy.
It has to be pulled back at work so it is worn in a bun 90% of the time.
It takes too much time to fix nicely.  I'd rather sleep in a few extra minutes or get in some morning exercise.
I love all the short cuts I've seen on celebrities lately.  I want to be the next Anne Hathaway!
It is long enough to donate.  I'm sure someone else would appreciate it so much more than I currently am.
Patrick says he likes short hair on girls.  Will he like it on this girl?

The "Before" Photo
I wasn't even a bit nervous to chop it off.

Back View
This is my fourth time donating my hair. Every time I've cut if off I've thought it was my last time to have hair this long.  Maybe this time will really be the end to my long-haired days.

Drum roll, please...

The "After" Photo
I LOVE my new hair.  And I don't look like a boy!  I was a little worried that I might...

The first short hair photo with my handsome hubby, who in case you are wondering is wearing my fluffy  pink robe .
 I am so excited to start 2013 off with a brand new look!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

December: A Photo Review

Everything good in life is even better with Patrick around and the holidays were no exception!  December flew by!  I wish I had time to write about every single adventure, but the month has already come and gone so you'll have to settle for photos instead.

On December 3rd we celebrated our one month anniversary!  We went to RICE,  which is one of my favorite sushi places in SLC.

We also went to ZooLights at the Hogle Zoo as part of our anniversary date.

 Christmas isn't complete without a visit to Temple Square to see the lights.

Mom and Dad joined up with us for our night downtown.

The view at City Creek.

Rockin' the new earmuffs.

One of my dearest friends, Amy, performed with her Institute choir at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square.

Amy is one of my biggest fans and she always make a great effort to come see me perform so I wanted to return the favor and do the same for her.

We hope everyone had a joyous Christmas! Wishing you all the best in 2013!