Sunday, April 1, 2012

Why I Love Weekends...

I love weekends.  There is so much to do!  There always seems to be something to look forward to.  Here's a little list of some recent happenings...


Every year when Spring rolls around, my refrigerator is suddenly covered in wedding announcements.  Spring = Love.  The first of many weddings was that of my dear friends Richard and Paige.  It is wonderful to see your friends so happy and to help them celebrate their love.  One benefit of attending lots of wedding receptions is more chances of catching the bouquet.  At Paige's wedding the bouquet couldn't have landed farther away from me than if Paige had turned around and purposely thrown it with all her might in the opposite direction.  No worries though, several more upcoming chances in the near future!  Ha!


I thought it was very important to include this photo to document a longstanding tradition in the Jensen household.  Many, many years ago my mom purchased a plastic birthday banner at the dollar store.  I can't remember a family birthday without it.  Please note it hanging in the upper-left corner of the above photo.  In addition, our birthday decor always includes a handmade poster that everyone signs.  Jay was the talented artist selected to create Dad's poster this year.  To round out a Jensen family birthday party, all you need is a rousing off-key rendition of the Happy Birthday Song and you're all set.


One of the absolute best things about living in Salt Lake is the amount of performers and artists who come to town.  This weekend I got to see one of my favorite singers perform a mini-concert downtown at the new City Creek Center.  Not only do I love Mindy Gledhill's music, I also adore her personal style.  I am seriously considering cutting my hair short this summer.  Thoughts?


Weekends are the perfect time to accomplish items on my 2012 Bucket List.  Last weekend I went to a Utah Grizzlies Hockey game which means I've now finished two whole items on my list.  I have a long ways to go! Anyway, here's a random piece of information for you.  When I was four years old, my family lived in Minnesota while my Dad was attending school there.  My brother Andrew and I would go ice skating on occasion and I decided that one day I wanted to be a hockey player.  My mom told me hockey was a violent sport and that the players loose their teeth.  After that, I wanted to be a princess instead.

It is Sunday night.  Every week at this time I get sad because I wish so badly the weekend could last just a little bit longer.  However, weekends are even better (if possible!) after putting in a good work week.  Time to go to bed and dream up some adventures for next weekend!

1 comment:

  1. so is football, but that didn't seem to stop andrew! i mean kids can lose their LIVES playing that sport. i don't think you would be a very good hockey player mandi. you are much better at being a princess. another great thing about can attend the sealing now too.

    #5: talking to your family or visiting your family...

    #6: updating your blog. we need more about your post about your life mandi.

    #7: looking at my blog. i don't know, maybe you do this during the week.

    #8: sleeping in!!! this does not need to be explained.

    #9: dreaming about how you will be visiting montana this summer. you will fall in love (again) and not want to go back to that "horrible" city life. ok maybe not the 2nd sentence....

    i will now go and do something productive.
