Friday, April 13, 2012

Bucket List #3

Compared to many LDS members around the world, 4 hours is not a very long drive to take in order to visit the temple.  In Montana, we had the option of traveling east to Spokane, Washington or heading north to Cardston, Alberta.  When I moved to Utah, I knew I wanted to take advantage of living in close proximity to not only one, but several temples found here in the Salt Lake valley alone.  Thanksgiving weekend of 2010, I received my endowments in the Bountiful Temple.  The opportunity to regularly attend the temple has been such a blessing in my life!  

There are three temples I find myself rotating between; Bountiful, Jordan River, and Salt Lake.  I thought it would be nice to branch out a bit and visit some of the other temples in the valley and across the state.  So, the third item on my Bucket List was to attend the Draper Utah Temple.

It rained most of yesterday but cleared up in time for our drive over to Draper.  There were the most wonderful clouds sitting low on the mountain. (I've always told Mom that if I were an artist, all I would want to do is paint clouds!) The temple sits so high on the mountainside that it felt as though we would drive right through them. One of the most beautiful sights is that of a temple all lit up at night.  It takes my breath away every time!  The Draper Temple was no different.

Although, each temple is different in its architecture, size, landscaping, and furnishings, I am grateful to know that the feelings I experience there and the teachings taught are the same.  It will always be safe-haven and place of peace and comfort for me.

Stay tuned to see which other temples made my 2012 Bucket List!

PS I have yet to take a photo for any of my Bucket List adventures.  Thank you Google Image for helping me borrow some images to complete my posts!

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