Thursday, August 14, 2014


I had a "practically perfect" birthday week
 doing several of my favorite things with my most favorite people!
It all began with an outdoor concert with the Jensen crew.

On my actual birthday, for my "special meal" I really wanted a grilled cheese sandwich since I haven't had many since having to go gluten free. Luckily, Melty Way has GF bread so I was able to get my fix!

Next, Patrick and I each picked up a sweet treat.  
For him, a maple bacon donut from Beyond Glazed.
For her, frozen yogurt from Yogurtland.

Then, that super sweet husband of mine set-up a fort in our living room.
Inside I found my birthday presents!
We now have all the basics for camping covered. Hooray!

The day after my birthday we went to Hale Centre Theatre's production of
"Mary Poppins."
Mary Poppins is a dream show of mine and I was insanely jealous the whole time of the actors on stage but still managed to enjoy the production immensely.
I think my birthday wish (well, one of them anyway) is to get back on stage soon.
This girl is dying to sing and dance!

It is always wonderful to see my so, so talented friend/former roomie, Adrianne, dance.

My birthday celebration ended with a lovely evening at City Creek with Patrick's grandparents.
After eating dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, 
Noni and Pete treated me to a shopping spree at Anthropologie.
I have never felt so spoiled before!

Thank you dear family and friends for making this girl feel so loved! xoxo

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