Thursday, July 10, 2014

This Is The Place: Red, White, and Blue

This Fourth of July I spent my day aboard the Jupiter giving tours of This Is The Place Heritage Park.  Can you think of a more perfect way to spend your holiday than remembering the past and talking all about the amazing people who helped make our country the great place it is today?  

Truthfully, being on the train for 8 hours can be a hot and tiring way to spend your day so I always try to come up with different ways to stay entertained.  I decided to have a little photo scavenger hunt and search for red, white, and blue around the park.  The park was recently given a patriotic over-haul in preparation for the Fourth, as well as Pioneer Day, so the colors were found in abundance!

I am pretty much obsessed with the buntings they hung from the buildings and homes. Kind of wish they could stay up all year...

Did you know the red, white, and blue stripes on the barber pole are meant to represent blood, bandages, and veins? Back in the day, barbers didn't just cut hair and shave beards. They also pulled teeth and performed bloodletting.  
Just one of the many, many things you'll learn up at This Is The Place!

I love wearing red, white, and blue on the Fourth of July so it worked out perfectly that my train conducting outfit just happened to be those exact colors.
Fellow train conductors Rachel and Geordan!

The train conductors weren't the only ones looking patriotic...
Kris and Diamond Jim.

There are always so many wonderful people who come up to the park.
The cute little boy above, Kaden, made sure to get on my train every time!
He was so awesome at shouting "Full steam ahead!" to get the train moving.
Getting to know Kaden and his family absolutely made my day!
The people I meet and work with definitely make this job!

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