Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Julie Andrews Hat

This summer I am taking a bit of a break from teaching. Instead, I can be found traipsing around This Is The Place Heritage Park in a sunny yellow dress and a large straw hat. 
Whenever I wear this hat, I get the urge to twirl down a hill singing, "The hills are alive with the sound of music!
Guests visiting the park have referred to me as the Julie Andrews lookalike and I am completely flattered because she is one of my idols. 
Now I just need to get that husband of mine to watch "The Sound of Music" so he can appreciate the resemblance, too. How has he not seen this movie before?! 
You can guess what we'll be doing for date night in the near future. :)

I will keep posting photos and sharing my summer adventures from the park
but I know you'll love experiencing it in person, too.
So come and visit me sometime at This Is The Place!


  1. WHAT!!! He hasn't seen that movie?! What other movies do you love that he hasn't seen?

    1. We have been working on my collection of Audrey Hepburn movies...

  2. how fun... you look absolutely DARLING! And yes, darn that husband for not having seen the sound of music... good thing he has you to show him all the finer things in life that he's missing out on!

    1. Yes, and he shows me plenty of finer things, too. I guess that's what happens when you get married... Your two worlds collide and you learn to love/appreciate what the other person loves, too.
