Monday, July 14, 2014

Our Summer Must Dos

Do you have a list of summer must dos?  Patrick and I have never formally made a list, but there are a few things we like to do each and every year to make our summer complete.  Last week we checked several activities off...

Growing up, my family loved going to watch the Missoula Osprey play and catching at least a baseball game or two is something I still look forward to each summer.  Last week we met up with some of my fellow Nauvoo YPMs and their spouses (and babies) to enjoy a game.

My comp, Katie, and her sweet little girl.
Jason, his wife Kristi, and their son. He had on the cutest baseball pj's. 
It has been quite hot here in Utah and despite all the fun summer things to do, it is easy to find myself wishing that is was already fall.  Luckily, the nights cool down to the perfect temperature and there are lots of parks offering outdoor movies.  This Friday, we watched "Monsters University" at the Holt Farmstead in South Jordan.  The temple was to our left and a full moon to our right and we had front rows seats on the lawn.  It couldn't have gotten any better!

Patrick making crazy eyes... 
We have been trying to take advantage of the pool at the rec center where I teach Zumba classes. They have an awesome set-up that includes a water-slide, lazy river, and whirl pool.

Here are the rest of our "must dos" for the summer:

  • Real Salt Lake
  • Waterpark
  • Drive-In Movie
  • Camp-out and bonfire
  • Twilight Concert
  • Farmer's Market
  • State Fair

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