Friday, May 2, 2014

Easter in Montana

We were so glad Easter Sunday feel during the time we were in Montana. I love nothing more than spending holidays with family. It was nice to have kids around as we celebrated. They bring such an excitement to it all.

We dyed eggs with Sterling and Quincey. (Quincey also dyed her pants thanks to an inevitable spilled cup of dye.) 

I think the dye accident happened only seconds after this photo was taken as I turned around to put my camera away. That's what I get for being photo obsessed!
Baby Carlee in her Easter dress. She has such blue, blue eyes. Look how they match her dress!
It was such fun introducing Patrick to everyone at church on Sunday.  It is crazy how long I can be away from the ward and then come back and still know most everyone. Yes, many people have moved away over the past several years but there are still a handful of old timers left to get a hug from and catch up with.

Andrew shared a short message during Sacrament Meeting. He gave a power testimony of the Savior's life and atonement. I feel so blessed to have such amazing examples to look to in my family.

Sunday afternoon was spent with friends of Andrew and Nicole. There was delicious food, an egg hunt, and sugar-loaded children. Good times all around!

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