Tuesday, April 29, 2014

"I looove this place!"

Some of my best childhood memories are of my family's weekend getaways to Fairmont Hot Springs Resort. Every single person in the family enjoyed being there, which is saying a lot because it can be hard to please seven different people all at once. We spent every moment we could swimming and sliding. Whenever I think of Fairmont, I can hear my mom saying, "I looove this place!" in a really silly and enthusiatic voice. And she will still say it the exact same way anytime someone mentions Fairmont. It makes me happy!

On our drive up to Montana, my brother Andrew and his family met us at Fairmont.  It was wonderful to have so much time to swim and play with our nieces and nephew since we don't get to see them very often. It was our first time meeting our little niece, Carlee. She is such a sweet and beautiful baby. Both Patrick and I both feel in love with her instantly.

Baby Carlee
These two spent a lot of time together.
Carlee's little floater was awesome. Kind of wish they made them in adult size...
She could be a Gerber Baby model.
Sweetest thing ever.

I loved introducing Patrick to Fairmont and sharing with him fun memories and stories from my childhood.  It was such a perfect time and we have wished we were back there already many times since our return to Utah.


  1. That place looks fabulous!! I want to go somewhere fun like that :) and baby Carlee is so cute!!

  2. Ummm... didn't you just go to Hawaii?! I would say that was a fun place. :) Next time Patrick is unable to go to Montana with me, I'll try and recruit you as my road trip buddy and we'll stop at Fairmont.
