Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Birthday Cake for Dad

Remember how Patrick and I are obsessed with the TV series CAKE BOSS? Well, for Christmas Patrick gave me a cake decorating kit from Buddy's official Cake Boss line of products. I had been waiting for an excuse to try it out and decided my Dad deserved a fancy cake for his birthday this year.  Patrick helped out with much of the decorating and while we kept expecting a disaster similar to something you'd see on the show to happen, the whole process went quite smoothly. No collapsing cakes or peeling away fondant in this kitchen!

We figured it took us around 6 hours to create our masterpiece from start to finish. That seems like so much time but, hey, it was our first attempt to do anything like this and we were determined to get it right! Here's a glimpse of the process...

Saturday Night:
Making the marshmallow fondant. 
I decided that fondant is pretty much Play-doh for grown-ups.
Sunday Morning:
Yes, Patrick is in his bathrobe.  We filled the cake and dirty iced it before church so it would be ready to cover in fondant and decorate when we got home.  
Dirty iced in buttercream frosting.  So glad this part does not have to be perfect because cake frosting is definitely not one of my talents...
Covering the cake was the part I was most nervous for but it wasn't as difficult as I had imagined. (Which is probably because Patrick was the one who actually did this step!) 
Sunday Afternoon:
The finished product!

We were so excited to show off our hard work!
Dad! He doesn't like to smile for photos, but trust me, he was excited to eat his cake!
I think Mom was a little excited, too.
Happy Birthday, Dad! We love you!


  1. umm, that looks AMAZING!! I also love that your outfits match the cake :) LOL! Great work!

    1. When I saw Patrick was wearing a green shirt I figured it was only appropriate for me to make the cake, too. We're goofy like that. Have fun in Hawaii, Miss Krystal!

  2. good job mandi and patrick! marshmallow fondant is the best! so easy and tastes good. you could have done purple or green frosting to try it in or even just used whatever you put in the middle.

    1. Since this was our first fancy cake attempt, I didn't think through all the frosting and fondant colors and coordinating it all. The peanut butter filling was too fluffy to use for dirty icing, but next time I do plan to use the same frosting for the filling and outside and make it all match! So excited to visit you all soon. We have some leftover fondant. Might have to make some Easter cakes...

    2. Of course. I was thinking of next time. Also we need to visit about Easter meals. Mornings are best for me, if I don't answer I am sleeping. But evenings work too.

  3. You did a FABULOUS job. I am so proud of you! Not surprised at how great it looks though.
    Much love to you both! I am one lucky mom and mother in law!

    1. Thanks, Mama Marks! We'll make you your very own cake next time you're out for a visit! xoxo
