Sunday, February 2, 2014

Celebratory Drinks

 Whether the occasion is big or small, Patrick and I always love an excuse to celebrate.  This Thursday we stopped by Starbucks for celebratory drinks- a steamed milk and an iced hot chocolate. (We had a gift card to use up. We love gift cards. We always seem to be getting them from work and as gifts.  Seriously, I don't think we've had to pay to see a movie in ages.) We had both a small and a big reason to celebrate. Small Reason- That evening, my musical theatre students at UCT had their Winter Recital.  Patrick came as my date and it was nice for him to see firsthand what I do.  Big Reason- Patrick got a new job! I'll blog more details soon but for now just know it is a great opportunity for him to put to good use his schooling, talents and abilities, and put us in a better place for the future. Hooray!

Happy Patrick and Mandi.

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