Wednesday, December 4, 2013

"White Christmas" Date

I am sure by now you know that we love date nights! I seriously look forward to spending this extra time with Patrick all week.  For our date last Friday, I was so excited to go to see my friend, Chantryce, in her opening night performance of "White Christmas."  We have lots of Christmas shows to see this month since it seems like all of my close friends are busy spreading holiday cheer onstage. However, "White Christmas" is 2nd pick on my all-time favorite Christmas movies list ("It's A Wonderful Life" is first) so I was especially eager to go. Plus, I saw the stage version of "White Christmas" at the 5th Avenue Theatre while living in Seattle and it snowed in the audience at the the end of the show. It was pretty magical.

Chantryce was my first Utah friend. We met at auditions for "Bye Bye Birdie." We were cast as best friends, Kim and Ursula.  Chantryce is a ball of fun and crazy energy. Everyone needs someone like that in their life!  Chantryce and I always make a point of trying to see each other perform.  I always love when Chantryce is in the audience because you can't miss her great laugh!

The cast and crew at Centerpoint Legacy Theater did a wonderful job with their production of "White Christmas."  All the leads were strong in their roles and the ensemble did a nice job with the choreography.  Patrick commented multiple times about how great the costumes and sets looked.  We definitely recommend this production if you are on the search for the perfect Christmas show!

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