Monday, December 2, 2013

Birthday Bowling

Happy Birthday, Austin!

In my family we have a tradition were we make a birthday banner out of newsprint paper.  I thought Mom's sketch of Austin was pretty accurate!

Since Austin's birthday is the end of November so we usually have a family party for him over Thanksgiving weekend.  Bowling is one activity the whole family can agree upon so that is how we have celebrated the past several years.  Most of us are not any good, but it is still always a fun time.

 Contrary to what you may think based on these photos, Austin does know how to smile!

 Jay and Pat had to be responsible grown-ups and work so it was just me, Mom and Dad, Garrett, and the birthday boy that were able to hit the lanes.

I fall into the "not any good" category.  My goal when I go bowling is to break a hundred.  I did, but only after there was a malfunction with the pin machine and it knocked down my pins giving me a free strike!

Our competitive faces. 

We love you, Austin!  Wishing you a fantastic year!

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