Saturday, November 16, 2013

Zion National Park: Day 1

We couldn't have picked a more perfect weekend to visit Zion National Park.  It was Fall weather in its glory!  In my dream world, it would be Fall year round.  And my backyard would look something like this...

It is amazing how you can drive only 5 hours away from home and feel like you are in a completely different world.  I love looking at the license plates on the cars of the park's visitors.  People come from all over the world!  How lucky are we to live so close?!

We took so, so many photos.  It was just too beautiful to resist!  We saw an artist with her easel set up off in a secluded grove painting.  If I were an artist, this is one place I would definitely want to capture on canvas.

The colors were stunning.  The yellow leaves were such a nice compliment to Zion's red rocks.

We picnicked and had a bite of our wedding cake.  Happy to report it survived the past year in the freezer!

So grateful I have Patrick to share all these fun adventures with!

Day 2 coming soon!

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