Saturday, November 23, 2013


Here are two random stories for you to explain what the sock monkey is all about...

Story #1 "What Inspired the Monkey"
Patrick definitely has his own style, which I love.  When we started dating, it was brought to my attention that he favored brightly colored socks.  Whenever we'd meet up for a date, I'd try to see what the color of the day was.  Recently, Patrick decided he needed/wanted a more grown-up look (which meant no more bright, bright socks).  He asked if I wanted his colored socks since he knew how I liked them and we basically have the same size feet.  I kept the socks even though the didn't fit my feet right and I didn't really have plans to wear them because I was being all sentimental.  Silly, I know. I needed a way to preserve the fun memory of Boyfriend Patrick's style, so I thought- what better way than to make a sock monkey?  Ridiculous, but the monkey sure makes us laugh and it seems better than just holding onto some pairs of folded up socks.

Story #2 The Naming of the Monkey
Baby names are always a popular subject when a new baby is on its way to the Jensen Family. With Andrew and Nicole recently welcoming a new daughter to their family and Jay and Aubrey expecting their second baby early next year, Patrick and I (who are very much not pregnant but still think it's fun to think about) have been thinking up baby names of our own that we like.  I've shared some of our favorites with my mom, who isn't always crazy about the same names as us.  Patrick and I came up with a  name to tease my mom with, and she decided she actually liked it. Mark Marks.  I couldn't ever do that to a child. But, we did decided the name wasn't so bad for a stuffed monkey.  We wanted him to have a middle name as well so we settled on Marky Mark Marks.  *I just googles Marky Marks, Mark Marks, and Marky Mark Marks and there are actually lots of people by those names.  Maybe it isn't such a bad name after all?


  1. Too cute. Have you thought about selling the sock monkey? Good way to see those socks put to good use. I agree with your mom. Marky Mark Marks is a better monkey name than a baby name.

  2. You two crack me up! Love the little sock monkey. Also, Marky Mark was a member of new kids on the block! LOL!

  3. Eddi- You definitely do NOT have to worry about having a future grandchild named Marky Mark Marks. Promise!

    Krystal- New Kids on the Block?! Umm.... the name is sounding better and better! ;)
