Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Solid Week

I was looking over my planner from the past week.  It was a good week. We worked hard but found time to play, too.  Those type of weeks are my favorites.  I definitely know I couldn't live a life where all I did was work constantly, but I also know I wouldn't be happy if life were all play.  There truly needs to be a balance! Yep, it was a solid week.  Here are some of the highlights...

-S'mores!  I loved watching Patrick's enthusiasm as he roasted marshmallows over the stove top.

-It was Pajama Week at Kindermusik!  I wish I could wear comfy jammies to work everyday!

-I went to see "Brigadoon" at the Hale Centre Theatre with Mom, Kayla, and Heidi. (Montana Roadtrip Reunion!) My dear friend/former roommate, Adrianne, was absolutely beautiful as Jean.

-I am still fighting this never-ending cold so I tried to get some extra rest. Patrick kept me entertained by playing board games with me.  I recently bought Monopoly for our game collection.  I am not sure why though... I always lose at it.  And if you know me, I am a little on the competitive side and I don't like playing games I'm bad at!

-Got a haircut, which always make me feel like a million bucks.

-I met up with one of my most favorite people, Amy, at one of my favorite restaurants, Tea Rose Diner, for some delicious Thai food and a much needed catch-up session.  Good luck in Spain, Lulu!

-Patrick and I went to the Utah Children's Theatre to see "Tinkerbell and the Pirates." The show was fantastic!  Perfect for both boys and girls.  You have only more week to see it!

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