Sunday, June 9, 2013

Together Everything is Fun

Patrick and I have been looking for a new place to live.  Our current apartment has been just fine for starting out, but we have been wishing for a bigger space in a more affordable part of Salt Lake.  We decided to go ahead and put in our month's notice even though we didn't have a new apartment arranged.  This made me slightly nervous because I worried what would happen if the end of June rolled around and we hadn't found anything and settled for a new place that wasn't an improvement over our current situation.

Finding a new apartment was all I had been thinking about ever since we put in our notice.  One day I was starting to feel particularly discouraged about it.  Then I walked into the bathroom and looked up at this little erase board I made for me & Patrick to leave notes for each other. 

"I love you because... eating popsicles & apartment hunting w/ you is the best!"

Each night Patrick and I would apartment search on and eat a Dreyer's Fruit Bar.  And you know what, we did have the best time!  I am so glad to have Patrick in my life and for his little reminder that this task didn't to be something to get discouraged about. The day-to-day chores that I do not look forward to doing are so fun when we have the chance to do them together.  And apartment hunting could be fun if we made it that way.

Here's our happy ending...  We did find the *perfect* apartment.  We couldn't be more excited to move in!


  1. I want a picture like that... *sigh*.... you two are so cute!!

  2. And you will one day have a picture like that. I had so much fun making the erase board that I want to make more as wedding gifts! It was great to see you and Melyssa the other day. Thanks for stopping by!
