Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why there were no brownies for dessert...

That's why.

We were so excited to have Jay, Aubrey, and Baby G over for lunch on Sunday.
Last week I tested out a recipe for Black Bean Brownies.
Since J and A are also all about trying to eat better,
 I wanted to serve a healthy dessert.
The test run got a decent review ("This just needs a scoop of ice cream on it." -Patrick ) so I decided to go ahead and add the brownies to Sunday's menu.

Sunday morning I threw the ingredients for Quinoa Chicken Chili in the crock-pot.
I had the rest of my morning planned perfectly...
I would quickly mix-up the brownie batter in my Bullet,
then shower and get ready for church while it baked.
Obviously, that didn't happen.
Twenty minutes before I needed to be at church
I was in my penguin pajamas cleaning up great globs of the bean/sugar/egg concoction
that had managed to land all over the kitchen and living room floors.

Thank goodness for my new short hair that allows to get completely ready in apx. 15 minutes.
By some miracle I made it to church on time.
Despite the absence of brownies,
we still had the wonderful benefits of black beans that the chili was loaded with.
Maybe it's a good thing the brownies never made it to the table...
both chili and brownies may have caused black bean overload!
I recommend making both recipes,
perhaps just at seperate meals. :)


  1. So sad:( I'm glad you got a picture though- it makes everything better when you can blog about it. Um totally made the chili today- we lovvvved it! I should get the brownie recipe from you because I cooked a whole pound of black beans and only needed 1/2 for the chili. Maybe it was good we didn't have a bean overload...who knows what might have happened. Thanks for having us!!!!

  2. I am so, so glad you love the chili! It is so easy, and so good! Thanks again for coming over. You guys are fun. :)
