Sunday, August 5, 2012

Montana Trip: Day One

Oh, beautiful Montana!  How I love you!  Especially when I get to enjoy you with the whole, entire Jensen family!

I couldn't decide exactly how I wanted to blog the wonderful time I had while visiting MT.  Then, I came across the itinerary Nicole typed up and mailed to everyone before the trip.  It was so helpful to have a clear idea of what was happening each day.  I thought I would use it as the basis of my post(s) and then add my photos and commentary.  Here it goes!

Thursday, July 19th:
Andrew off from work
Breakfast: cereal or other breakfast foods
Lunch: sandwiches or leftovers
Austin and Mandi arrive (We were the last ones to arrive in Montana).
Dinner: Hot dogs
Activity for the day: Flathead Lake

Austin and I arrived at Flathead Lake just in time for hot dogs.  Everyone else had already been at the lake for several hours boating and playing in the water.

I was so anxious to see Sterling again and meet Quincy for the first time.  Sterling was so cute. He gave me a big hug and  wanted to sit by me.  Yep, we're practically BFFs now. ;)

Andrew took us for a ride in his boat.  It was an excellent way to  start our  stay in Montana.

Austin was the perfect person to make the nine hour drive to MT with.  We left on time, only stopped when we absolutely had to, and we both liked listening to the same music.  Plus, he gave me some lessons in electrical engineering.  Does travelling get any better than that?

Andrew let Dad drive the boat for awhile so he could get in the water and show-off his sweet wakeboarding skills 

Austin took a turn, too.  It was only his second time wakeboarding but he  looked like a pro.

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