Monday, January 2, 2012

My First Post...

Well, here it is... my first post ever!
I've been wanting to start a blog for quite awhile now and the New Year seemed the perfect time to finally make it happen. So, here it goes!

I just read the January 2012 First Presidency, "Living the Abundant Life," by President Monson.  He offers ABC's needed to live a life of success, goodness, and blessings. I loved this article so much and I am excited to start off a new year with his ABC's in mind; A for attitude, B for Believe, and C for Courage.  My roommate Adrianne has started calling 2012 "The Year of Mandi."  It makes me laugh everytime, but I hope she's right... there are a lot of things I am hoping to improve on and accomplish this year!

2011 ended very nicely.  So, before I get to too caught up in the New Year, here's a photo recap of my holidays.

Heidi, Kayla, and I threw our 2nd Annual Ugly Sweater Party!  Food! Games! Gift exchange! Ugliest Sweater Contest! It was a fantastic time and we are already scheming for next year's party!

There's nothing that says "Best Friends" like matching pajamas!

My family changed things up a bit this year and held most of our festivities on Christmas Eve.  I sure like these people!

The day after Christmas I drove up to Idaho Falls to attend my mission companion's wedding shower and reception.  Michelle looked stunning and it was a great reception with great food and a live big band!

If you haven't been to the Zoolights at the Hogel Zoo before I highly recommend it!  This is my Little Mermaid tribute.

My friend Paige hosted a New Year's party and these are the little cream cheese and olive penguins I made.  They turned out so cute and everyone loved them.

Thank you for reading my first blog post.  Much more to come, I promise! xoxo


  1. hey mandi! you know you can make your pictures bigger. i would like to see what a normal/average day looks like for you.

  2. Yay!!! The long awaited blog! I'm excited for this! Totally going to be Mandi's year for sure. LOVE!

  3. Hi- Congrats on starting a blog! They are the best thing because it's a photo album and journal in one! And everyone has access, so perfect! I saw your link on Cole's sidebar.

    The rest of my kids still very fondly remember you! I'm sure knowing that will be the highlight of your day:)

    (Cole's mom)

  4. Thanks for your comments... Yes, I think keeping a blog will be very worthwhile and fun!

    Sherri- It is so nice to hear from you! I just think the world of your family and always love hearing updates from Cole. Please say HELLO to everyone from me!
