Monday, January 23, 2012

Salt Lake Donated Dental Services

New Year = New Job!  The beginning of January I started a new job at the Salt Lake Donated Dental Services.  I completed my externship hours for my dental assisting certification at SLDDS back in June.  After  completing my course, I started working for Monarch Dental but I would occasionally cover shifts at SLDDS on my day off.  Well, Monarch wasn't the best fit for me so when SLDDS had an opening for a dental assistant, they thought of me for the position and I was more than happy to accept!  I already knew the staff, was familiar with the facility, and the hours would better accommodate all the other things that I'm trying to do with my life (theatre, yoga, church, etc).

These first couple of weeks as an official staff member at SLDDS have been quite challenging.  I assist all the dentists that come and volunteer at the clinic.  Because they all work quite differently, prefer certain materials and instruments, and seem to except me to know exactly how they like things done despite the fact that I just met them, each day feels like the first day on the job!  Although I am a bit discouraged right now, I know with time it will get better and I really believe I will love working at SLDDS.

On Saturday, a fancy dinner was held at Cucina Toscana in Sugarhouse to celebrate the 21 years that the Salt Lake Donated Services have been in operation.  The founder gave a speech before the four-course meal (!) was served.  It was such a great reminder of what a needed program SLDDS is.  In the past 21 years, over 50,000 patients have been seen and over 15 million dollars of dental services have been donated.  Pretty incredible, huh?  I feel grateful to be a part of it all!

Here`s a picture of some of the SLDDS dental assistants and administrative staff at Saturday's dinner.

Monday, January 16, 2012

This Weekend's Highlights

I started a new job at the Salt Lake Donated Dental Services two weeks ago.  It has been quite challenging so far and lets just say, I was very eager for the weekend to get here!  I was also excited for the weekend because I had lots of great things planned.  Here are the highlights...

1. Once a month I teach a KIDS' YOGA CLASS.  The kids who attend are exceptional and so fun to teach.  Typically, there are 8-10 students between the ages of  7 and 11.  I will take some pictures next class because the kids are working hard and becoming quite accomplished little yogis!

2. I have never been a treadmill type of girl, so I am so happy I discovered ZUMBA. It makes getting in some cardio so much fun.  Saturdays my favorite teacher instructs a class and I look forward to it so much that I don't even mind getting up early on the weekend to go.

3. Dad and I went on a date to see "THE GAME'S AFOOT" at the Hale Centre Theatre.  It wasn't our most favorite production we've seen there, but the company was wonderful. :)

4. My old Singles Ward was extremely close.  It was hard for us to say goodbye to our Bishopric when the YSA wards were reorganized.  Saturday evening we had a BIG POTLUCK to catch up with everyone.  The Bishopric thought maybe 10 or so people might come, so imagine how excited they were when over 50 of the old wardies showed up!

Now, for my favorite highlight of the weekend...

5. Sunday evening the family got together for dinner and games and JAY & AUBREY ANNOUNCED THE GENDER OF THEIR BABY.. Everyone except Austin guessed that Baby Jensen would be a boy.  Who was right?


So happy to meet their baby boy this spring! xoxo

Monday, January 2, 2012

My First Post...

Well, here it is... my first post ever!
I've been wanting to start a blog for quite awhile now and the New Year seemed the perfect time to finally make it happen. So, here it goes!

I just read the January 2012 First Presidency, "Living the Abundant Life," by President Monson.  He offers ABC's needed to live a life of success, goodness, and blessings. I loved this article so much and I am excited to start off a new year with his ABC's in mind; A for attitude, B for Believe, and C for Courage.  My roommate Adrianne has started calling 2012 "The Year of Mandi."  It makes me laugh everytime, but I hope she's right... there are a lot of things I am hoping to improve on and accomplish this year!

2011 ended very nicely.  So, before I get to too caught up in the New Year, here's a photo recap of my holidays.

Heidi, Kayla, and I threw our 2nd Annual Ugly Sweater Party!  Food! Games! Gift exchange! Ugliest Sweater Contest! It was a fantastic time and we are already scheming for next year's party!

There's nothing that says "Best Friends" like matching pajamas!

My family changed things up a bit this year and held most of our festivities on Christmas Eve.  I sure like these people!

The day after Christmas I drove up to Idaho Falls to attend my mission companion's wedding shower and reception.  Michelle looked stunning and it was a great reception with great food and a live big band!

If you haven't been to the Zoolights at the Hogel Zoo before I highly recommend it!  This is my Little Mermaid tribute.

My friend Paige hosted a New Year's party and these are the little cream cheese and olive penguins I made.  They turned out so cute and everyone loved them.

Thank you for reading my first blog post.  Much more to come, I promise! xoxo