Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Big Kid

On Thanksgiving Day we played the game Don't Eat Pete! with the nieces and nephews.  Patrick taught the kids how to cheat to win the game and eat every piece of candy.  My mom kept muttering, "Patriiiiick. Oh, Patriiiiiick. Oh, Patrick!" under her breath.  Later she joked with me that I'll have my hands full with Patrick and the new baby... It'll be like having two kids!  Patrick is a bit of kid at heart and that's one of the reasons I love him. Life is always fun around here!

Well, every kid needs at least one toy for Christmas.  I found a make-your-own clay Ninja Turtle kit for Patrick's stocking.  I think Patrick enjoyed his little arts and craft activity and he was quite pleased with the finished Donatello figurine.

"Donny" can now be found on our desk keeping us company while we work on the computer. 

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