Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Big Kid

On Thanksgiving Day we played the game Don't Eat Pete! with the nieces and nephews.  Patrick taught the kids how to cheat to win the game and eat every piece of candy.  My mom kept muttering, "Patriiiiick. Oh, Patriiiiiick. Oh, Patrick!" under her breath.  Later she joked with me that I'll have my hands full with Patrick and the new baby... It'll be like having two kids!  Patrick is a bit of kid at heart and that's one of the reasons I love him. Life is always fun around here!

Well, every kid needs at least one toy for Christmas.  I found a make-your-own clay Ninja Turtle kit for Patrick's stocking.  I think Patrick enjoyed his little arts and craft activity and he was quite pleased with the finished Donatello figurine.

"Donny" can now be found on our desk keeping us company while we work on the computer. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Broadway Baby

Dear Baby Marks,
Ever since the day we first found out you were coming our way, this Mama has put in hours of rehearsal and performance time. Everyone keeps joking that you will dance your way out of the womb and greet us with singing rather than crying.
Sounds like a good way to make an entrance into the world, if you ask me!

Even if you don't grow up to be a Broadway baby, I hope that you will have an appreciation for the arts.
It is such a big part of my life...
And your Papa and I wouldn't have had an excuse to go on our first date if it hadn't been for a play our mutual friend and matchmaker, Kimberly, was starring in!

While you've been busy growing,
you and I spent time as pioneers at This Is the Place Heritage Park,
sung the songs of the fifties and sixties as Missy in The Marvelous Wonderettes,
and helped the people of Salt Lake celebrate the holidays by playing Becky Sue When 
in Desert Star's How The Grouch Stole Christmas.

Everyone in the cast was so excited when I let them know about you.
If they ever got tired of me talking about you, they sure didn't let me catch on.
What nice people!

 (From top left: Krystal/Samantha What, Matt/Grouch, Melissa/Cindy Lou Who, and Todd/Kenny)

 A few behind the scenes snapshots for you...
 Krystal and Lee were my make-up counter mates.

 Holly/Mama and I weren't sure why we had to be wigged when we already had "Who hair."

Our Olio costumes 
(The costumers, Mary and Lynn, did a great job keeping my growing belly comfortable and concealed during this show.)

Just a photo of all the girls.

We had so many people come and see the show:
The whole Jensen crew... even the Montana Jensens!
My fan club president, Krystal
Several friends from church
My non-cheese-loving but still supportive friends, Heidi and Kayla
Miss Chantryce 
The Fondario and Marks side of the family
Several aunts and uncles
(Oh, I'm sure I've forgotten some others but we'll just have to blame it on pregnancy brain because it totally is a real thing and I have it!)

Okay, just because The Grouch is my last show before your arrival, don't think you'll get a break from my singing and performing quite yet...
I've still got lots of Kindermusik classes to teach and I really need to start practicing my ukulele!
xoxo Mama Mandi