Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Year of Dates: November

For our November "Year of Dates" date, we headed back to our old Sugarhouse neighborhood.
We grabbed a bite to eat at Chipotle and then moved on to the evening's main event- a visit to Game Night Games.

Game Night Games is literally two blocks away from our first apartment but for some reason we never made it over to the store while living there.

Boy, were we missing out! This store is packed. I had no idea there were so many games in the world. Ha ha!

Our favorite thing about Game Night Games is the game room located at the back of the store.
They have open gaming nights where you can browse their collection and demo games.  It is always so hard to know if a game will be fun or not, and since most quality games are not cheap, it is great to have the option to try them out before making a purchase.

We played a round of BATTLE SHEEP (I won)...

 ...and a game of PIRATE VERSES PIRATE (Patrick won).

BATTLE SHEEP was our favorite of the two.
Although we didn't purchase anything during our date night visit,
I have a few games that I know I will eventually be making a trip back for!

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