Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Year of Dates: June

I think Patrick and I are just kids at heart because our favorite dates are usually places or activities geared for people under the age of twelve; Utah Children's Theatre, Disney movies, 
building forts, the zoo- you get the idea.

For June's "Year of Dates" date, we walked and picnicked among life-size dinosaurs at the 
Although this fun park was designed with a younger audience in mind, we of course had a blast!

As we approached the entrance, both Patrick and I exclaimed "Jurassic Park!"
The Dinosaur Park is tucked away on the outskirts of Ogden and between all the trees and ginormous dinosaurs scattered about, you definitely feel like you are in a scene from the movie.
(However, unlike when we watch the movie, I held Patrick's hand while at the park because I wanted to, not because I was scared.)

Last month we visited the Natural History Museum of Utah and were blown away by their collection of fossils.  The Dinosaur Park has a smaller collection of fossils, which were nicely displayed in their main building, but it really is the outdoor exhibit that makes this place worth visiting.

The Dinosaur Park won points with us for having plenty of shade and several picnicking areas.
(I always like the option of being able to bring your own food.)
And for moms with kiddos in tote, 
the trails are mostly all paved and stroller-friendly.

We are already halfway through our "Year of Dates."
It's true, time flies when you're having fun!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dad, Papa, Garbanzo, Daddy-o, Garrrrrr

We had such a nice Sunday in Erda celebrating this man...

Even though it was Father's Day, Dad baked his own dessert for the celebratory dinner because he wanted pie and he is the master pie-maker in the family.
After dinner, he was showered with love and homemade cards.
(The card Jay, Aubrey, & co. made was so sweet! See above.)

I was so happy that Jay and Aubrey were able to come out to Erda, because I love holding Miss Esther and playing with Grant.
Grant kept busy playing with the racetracks us kids had growing up.
At one point all the adults were busy visiting and no one was left to watch Grant's car racing so he turned to  Ziggy and said, "Watch this, cat!" Then, he kept looking over at Ziggy and grinning after each car made it to the end of the track.
So cute and funny, that boy!

 Racing toy cars is serious business!

 Here's some of the family keeping entertained by reading the reviews for the Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer
I think Jay was crying at one point from laughing so hard.
A must read next time you're bored!

 It is rare for the family to get together and not play a game or two of Catchphrase. It is our absolute favorite.
Anyway, in case it wasn't obvious by Garrett's victory dance captured in the above photo, his team won.

A visit to my parent's isn't complete without swinging in my favorite chair.
(Patrick was trying to get a photo of the grouchy face I was wearing after losing in Catchphrase, but when sitting in this chair you can't stay mad for long.)

Happy Father's Day, Daddy-o! We love you!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

End of the School Year Summary

I wanted to write a detailed post about my experience this past school year as a "travelling teacher." (That's the best title I could come up with when people would inquire what I do for work.) However, from the moment my last class of the school year ended, I have been in summer break mode and haven't wanted to look back.  I am now forcing myself to write a short summary of where and what I taught during the 2013-14 school year because I do want to have some sort of record...

Dancing Moose Montessori School
Zumba Kids Jr, Yoga, Drama, Kindermsusik

Song of the Heart Studios

Utah Children's Theatre
Musical Theatre (as well as choreographing "Into the Woods Jr." and "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse")

Dance Fusion

In addition...

I continued my princessing with Pirate and Princess Parties,
taught Zumba classes,
had an wonderful time volunteering at Turn City for the Arts.

I learned so much this past year and had many memorable moments.
I love so many different things and felt so grateful for the opportunities to share my interests and passions with others.
However, I spent more time than I would have hoped lesson planning and driving so I have committed to trying to avoid ever taking on this many classes at one time again.
I have scaled my teaching schedule back for the upcoming school year and I am striving for quality over quantity. That's one of the reasons I had to make myself write this little post- so that I'd have that goal in writing!

Yoga with "Miss Mandi"
So many lovely thank you notes from my cute students!
One of the things I love about being a teacher. :)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Natural History Museum of Utah

Dear Husband,

Thank you for waking up early on a Saturday morning to go to the museum with me. I had fun seeing your excitement over all the dinosaur fossils. It was easy for me to imagine the little Patrick that dreamed of being a paleontologist when he grew up.

I love you! Can't wait for our next outing!

xoxo MM