Tuesday, May 6, 2014

M is for...

M is for...
Mandi? Marks? Montana?
Well yes, but in this post...
M is for Missoula!
Missoula is my second home. During my teenage years, I spent multiple days each week in town for ballet classes. I also lived there the year after I graduated from the Canadian College of Performing Arts.
Many of my fondest memories and experiences took place there.
And Missoula is where I met so many dear friends.
I could go on and on about why I love Missoula but instead I'll share some photos and you can fall in love with it yourself!

We stayed a night at the City Center Motel. It was cheap and in walking distance of all the places I wanted to bring Patrick.
Can't beat that, right?
According to Patrick, "This is the nicest cruddiest place I've ever stayed."
I thought the motel had a sort of retro charm.
Kitty-corner from the motel was the Missoula Children's Theatre. On the 3rd floor is where I took ballet classes, the bottom level is where I trained for my summer as a tour actor/director, and the beautiful theater is where I performed in the musicals "Beauty and the Beast" and Damn Yankees."
Yep, when in Missoula this is usually where I could be found!
A trip to Missoula is not complete without visiting the famous carousel.
A work in progress back in the workshop. This bison is being custom made for a carousel in Canada.

Patrick won the golden ring! If you have been to A Carousel for Missoula before, you know what a big deal that is. 
Caras Park

This guy is fun. I think I will take him on more trips with me.

The Wilma
Patrick and I can always agree on pizza. Mackenzie River Pizza Co. is a local favorite and they offer GF crust so it was a no-brainer.
It was hard to leave Montana. I just feel so at home when I am there. 
It was as close to perfect as a trip can get, and I couldn't be happier that Patrick has now become such a fan of my home state, too.

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