Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Year of Dates: April

*Click HERE to read what my "Year of Dates" is all about.

April's date was a trip to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium! Both Patrick and I were so excited to visit but we worried this outing might have to be postponed to a later date because the aquarium's expected grand opening in December 2013 was delayed several months. However, the doors were officially opened the end of March welcoming in visitors and we were able to make our date happen as scheduled. Phew!

So, the aquarium was beyond amazing and beyond busy.  Yesterday was cold and rainy and it seemed all of Salt Lake decided to stay dry by spending their Saturday inside checking out the aquarium. One of the Aquarium Presenters we spoke with said it was the busiest day they had had yet. Luckily, the aquarium is offering bounce back tickets so visitors can come back for free sometime in the next few months. We'll make sure to go on a sunny weekday next time!

Inside the jaws of a Megalodon.
We watched "March of the Penguins" in preparation for our visit.
Both Patrick and I agreed the penguins were our favorites.  They were so entertaining (and fast!) and I could have watched them playing and swimming for hours. 

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