Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Vintage Whites Market

One thing I really appreciate about my friend Heidi is that she is always on top of what is happening in Salt Lake.  Without her I would miss out on so many fun things, such as The Vintage Whites Market.  This is the second time this market has been held in SLC. We went last year and had the best time and I was so happy for a chance to go again. I wanted to buy just about everything in sight. Attending the market really is a test in self-control for me.

The Vintage Whites Market was started by two women from Montana. All the more reason to love it!
Kayla was able to come along with me and Heidi this year. It was interesting to see which vendors and items each person was drawn to.
It is a bit hard to fully appreciate it from this photo, but I loved this photographer's idea. She had two trees that she strung string across and clothespinned her photos to. Planning to borrow this idea sometime in the future.
The Vintage Whites Market was held at the Utah State Fairgrounds. As you can see, it was absolutely packed with vendors and eager shoppers.
So sweet and charming.
I had been wanting a little dish for us to keep our rings in when we are washing dishes, sleeping, etc. and I was so happy to find this white one. Not an owl, but I still think it is perfect. I also found this blue frame. I donn't have the right photo to put in it yet, so I put together a little some to fill it in the meantime.

Already looking forward to when The Vintage Whites Market returns to SLC next!

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