Thursday, August 8, 2013

Heaven on Earth

In my opinion, Flathead Lake is heaven on earth.  It is the perfect combination of mountains, trees, and water.  It is the dream of my family to have a cabin on the lake someday.  The pressure is on. One of my brothers needs to get rich soon so we can make this happen!

The water was a perfect 75 degrees.

Captain Andrew

Heidi riding with no hands! Fancy!

We had some issues with the boat so Kayla ended up with a more mellow and relaxing tub ride.

Sterling, the Captain's Helper.  He kept peering through his hands to watch the person riding the tub to make sure they were okay.  Whenever someone finished their ride, Sterling would ask if they had fun as he handed them a dry towel.
You could tell this wasn't his first time out on the water!


  1. you could point out how his shorts are on backwards....

  2. I can't imagine that wearing pants backwards could be comfortable! We all thought it was so cute and funny!
