Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Dentist

When I was a young girl,
my parents were loyal watchers of the television show E.R.
I couldn't be in the room when it was on or else I would get squeamish and scream and just be
all around dramatic.
I never thought a career in a medical field would be an option for me.
Yet somehow I thought I should tryout dental assisting.
During my two year stint working in the dental field I discovered I could handle blood, needles, anesthetic, and drills... as long as they were in someone else's mouth and not mine!
Imagine the horror I felt last month when I was at my annual cleaning and exam and found out that I had not one, but TWO cavities!
My perfect record was tarnished!
I set an appointment to have my cavities fixed and stressed about it for the next week and a half.
I was so good at telling others "No, it won't hurt," or "It won't be as bad as you think,"
but I couldn't convince myself of these same things now that it was my turn in the dental chair. 
How often do we waste so much time worrying about something and as soon as it is over we realize how much energy we wasted?
Things are most often not as bad as our wonderful imaginations can make them out to be.
Perfect example right here!
I felt so terrible for being "one of those patients" when I went in for my appointment.
Dr.Fessenden and her assistant, Isabel, were fantastic (which I already knew because I worked with them)
and in the end the worst part was that I wanted to visit with them the whole time but couldn't!

After my appointment I went home my mouth did the funniest thing when I tried to give Patrick a little hello kiss.
Because of where I was numb, my upper and lower lips kept pulling in opposite directions.
We sure spent a lot of time laughing that night. :)