Saturday, February 2, 2013

William Ray Jensen

William Ray Jensen
July 13, 1922-January 29, 2013

Grandpa Ray passed away peacefully this week after living a long and full life. I am so grateful Patrick and I could attend his services today.  I loved hearing the fond memories everyone shared about this amazing man.  What a great legacy Grandpa Ray has left behind!

Here are just a few of my favorite memories of Grandpa Ray.

  • Grandpa made the most amazing wheat bread.  He showed us the best way to eat it- served in a bowl, torn into bite-sized pieces, drizzled with honey, and covered in milk.
  • Later in life, Grandpa served a mission in England. In one of the cities where he served, he passed a doll shop every day.  One doll in the window looked very much like me and so he bought it and sent it to Montana.  The doll is absolutely beautiful and it was what inspired me to start collecting porcelain dolls.
  • When I was 14 years old, Grandpa drove me to Phoenix so I could spend the summer at the Arizona Ballet School.  He told lots of stories during the drive and we listened to lots of country music.  I felt so lucky to have been able to go on a trip just me and Grandpa Ray.
  • I thought Grandpa Ray would always stay young.  I remember him going walking every single morning.  He said being active is was his secret to not growing old.
  • Grandpa Ray and I both loved to dance.  Whenever I'd visit, we would dance in the kitchen in our socks.  He taught me to two-step and waltz.  
I am so happy that Grandpa Ray and his sweetheart, my Grandma Faye, have been reunited at last.  I am thankful that death is not a "Good-bye" but simply a "See you later!"

*Here is the link to Grandpa Ray's obituary. 


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss... Having just buried my grandpa in October, I know how hard it is. Sounds like he was a great man. So glad you have so many wonderful memories with him. Thinking of you my dear!!

  2. Thanks for your thoughtful comment. Yes, he truly was so great! Will you text me your blog address? I've been wanting to follow it but couldn't remember what is was called...
