Monday, November 26, 2012


This year has brought so many extra things to be thankful for.  Each year, I write a gratitude journal entry in honor of Thanksgiving.  It is interesting to go back back and read what I've written over the years.  There are some blessing that I always mention and others that reflect what was going on in my life at the time.  This year it is no surprise that Patrick was top of my list!  I am so, so grateful to have met him.  My life is full of extra joy because of him!

We had very nice holiday weekend.  We spent Thanksgiving day at Noni and Pete's home.  The food was oh so good!  Patrick made a sweet potato casserole that everyone raved about.  I could have eaten only the ham and been a happy girl.  Seriously, it was the best I've ever tasted!

I've really enjoyed getting to know Patrick's family.  It is fun to see the different dynamics our families have.  One of the highlights of the day was watching Pete and his grandchildren ride horses.  He is such a good teacher and the kids were loving every minute of it!  Too bad I was much to full from our Thanksgiving feast.  I would have been right up there riding horses with them!

Friday and Saturday I was able to spend time over at my parent's. (Patrick had to work but he came over Saturday evening).  Most of the siblings were there. (We missed you Montana Jensens!) Aubrey and Austin both have November birthdays so we turned the weekend into a little celebration in honor of them.  There was bowling....

A gingerbread house contest...

The house Patrick and I built.  I thought our marshmallow smoke was pretty creative.

My parents couldn't decide which house was the best. "You're all winners!"

And of course, lots and lots of food. (There was also a wild game of SPOONS, which I wish so badly I could have gotten a picture of !)

Happy Birthday, Aubrey!

Happy Birthday, Austin!

Thanks for giving us an excuse to party! 

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