Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sadie, Sadie

We did it!  Throw some confetti and shout hooray!  We are married!

When I called my mom a few days after the wedding, she broke out singing "Sadie, Sadie, Married Lady" which is from one of my all-time favorite musicals, FUNNY GIRL.  It made me so happy!  That song had been playing over and over in my head ever since our wedding day.  I'd been dying  to dance around the apartment belting it out just like Barbra but I worried Patrick would think he had married a crazy women.  So this week I waited until he was gone for a bit and then I danced around the apartment singing it very loudly.
Click here to sing and dance along, too! I am loving being a Sadie!

The wedding weekend couldn't have gone better.  It was a lot of time and preparation to get everything ready and then it seemed to been over in the blink of an eye.  I am excited to blog about everything from the bridal shower to the honeymoon so I can relive some of the memories!

Stay tuned!

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