Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Backstage at the D-Star

Closing night for "The Addam's Family Home Evening" was exactly one month ago.  I've never had a month go by so quickly.  When does life slow down? Never?!  That's what I thought you'd say.  

It has been fun (and a little stressful) getting ready for the wedding.  I had so much fun performing this past summer at the Desert Star but I'll admit it has been nice to have my evenings free to spend more time with Patrick and also to just get stuff done.

I meant to post these pictures ages ago, but obviously that didn't happen.  Better late than never.  Here's your backstage peek at life at the D-Star...

This picture sums up my experience this summer.  I loved this cast!  What great people!  I was always so excited to get to the theater each night to see everyone.

Here is the view from the wings.   

Mr. and Mrs.Measley.  One thing I don't miss in the least is that wig.  (Sorry to break it to you , Mom.  I know how much you liked it).

The one memory from this show that I will never forget is the night I accidentally punched Corey in the face and  gave him a bloody nose.  Oh man, I still feel bad whenever I think about it.  Who knew I had such a strong right hook?

I had to leave myself notes everywhere so I wouldn't forget to put on my character's engagement ring.  One day another actor saw one of my notes and asked if that was a reminder for Patrick to buy me a ring. Ha. It was so fun to share the news of our engagement with the cast.  "We're ENGAGED!" (nasally voice).

 As wonderful as my summer was I am excited to take a little time off from the theater world and prepare my newest role... being a wife. (Cheesy, but true).

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