Sunday, July 29, 2012

What does happiness sound like?

Happiness sounds like the music of The Piano Guys!!!

Sandy Amphitheatre hosted John Schmidt and Steven Sharp Nelson in a sold-out concert earlier this month.  I had previously been to a fireside where John Schmidt spoke and played the piano.  I was an instant fan and knew I had to see him in concert sometime soon.

My former roomie, Kayla, is also a loyal fan of The Piano Guys and she was my "date" to the concert.  We had lawn seats high on the hill at the amphitheatre but I didn't mind because not only did we have a good view of the stage, we also were able to do lots of people watching.  From toddlers to older couples and all ages in-between, it was apparent everyone found The Piano Guys' music to be happy, fun, and uplifting.

Here's a little link for the next time you're in the need of a little happiness...

PS Ten points if you can guess my favorite part of the Me and My Cello music video.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things

Last week my dear friend Heidi and I went to the Hale Centre Theatre's production of "The Sound of Music."  Because the movie starring Julie Andrews is so iconic, I'm always weary of seeing the musical as a live production.  I needn't fear.  The HCT version was wonderful.  It captured the moments we all love from the movie while adding in its own unique elements.  I highly recommend seeing it!

Seeing "The Sound of Music" has had me singing "My Favorite Things" all week long.  While Maria like raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, I have a list all of my own.  (My list grew too long very quickly so I've trimmed it down to just my favorite things over the past week...)


Our apartment has been looking a little bare ever since we took down our Valentine's decoration (which wasn't until  June).  Adrianne had some empty frames so I found some fabric and created a collage.  We are really happy with the result! 


Adam's No-Stir Peanut Butter with a sliced apple has been my go to meal this past week. It is very portable and easy to eat while driving from work to the theatre to do my show.  And I can do so without getting too much p. butter on the steering wheel!


The front braid has been my signature hairstyle the past several years.  I saw this variation the other day and had to try it out.    It has gotten some nice compliments so far.  I love it because it is so quick and easy but still classy.


I was practically singing as I filled up the Bug this week!!!


My family often had breakfast food for lunch or dinner on Sundays.  I think I could eat  breakfast food for every meal, every day.  Patrick and I made crispy french toast this week.  It was a delicious success!


I did a special appearance with my Spiderman in the West Jordan 4th of July Parade.  It was soooo hot and sunny.  I had a bit of a funny tan line afterwards from wearing my white long gloves.


The family came over to my apartment on the 4th for  dinner.  Of course I had to get a picture with Baby G.  He is one of my favorite things all the time, not just for this week's list. :)