Saturday, February 25, 2012

Owl Obsession

Just for the record, I liked owls before it was cool to like owls.  That said, the recent popularity of owls has made it much easier to increase my little collection.  I found this wallet last week at Target and I adore it so much that I decided it was blog worthy.  Also, I haven't had time to blog much lately so I thought this would be a good, quick post so that all three of my loyal readers will remember that I have a blog and they should keep checking it.  And just so you know, I have plans to blog some recent dating experiences next and I promise you won't want to miss it!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Post-Princessing Hair

This is my post-princessing hair.

In order to fit all that thick hair of mine under a wig and have something to secure the wig to, I have to pin curl all my hair.  It takes FOREVER!  When I finish hosting a princess party the first thing I do is rip all those bobby-pins out.  This result is the above.

My hair is out of control post-princessing and kind of reminds me of my brother Austin's hair.  I now understand why he went for the dreadlocks.  I would too if I had to try and manage hair like this everyday!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Bucket List

Did you know that chicken wire is also known as poultry netting?  I don't why, but when I went to buy some at the Home Depot and saw the name on the packaging it made me laugh out loud.  Maybe it was because it seemed like such a sophisticated name for something that isn't so sophisticated at all.  Well, why was I at Home Depot purchasing chicken wire, you ask?  Because Kayla, Heidi and I came across the cutest idea on Pinterest for a Bucket List Wall Hanging!!!

It is quite well known that I LOVE lists.  I write them up for just about everything; To-Do Lists, Grocery Lists, List of Goals, Books to Read, List of Passwords, List of Important Phone#s... to name a few.  The past couple of years I've written up a Summer Bucket List.  I've enlisted many of my friends, including Kayla and Heidi, to help me go out and accomplish the different activities.

I have now progressed to a yearly Bucket List because I just HAD to make this Wall Hanging. You write each thing you want to do on a little piece of paper and once you do it, you drop the paper into the little bucket. Here is the finished product!

If you'd like to make one of your own, all you need is:

  • An old wooden frame (my came from the DI)
  • Chicken... I mean, Poultry Netting
  • A small bucket
  • Ribbon
  • Clothes pins
  • Paper
  • and Staples (to attach the netting to the frame)
Don't worry if your are unable to read the little papers... each bucket list item will be featured on this blog once it has been accomplished.  I really tried to pick things that were actually achievable due to my budget and location.  So no trips to India, visiting the moon, or anything like that this on list.  Still, it is going to be a great year!

With our DI finds.

Doesn't it look nice hanging above my desk?!